Wednesday, April 4, 2007



CODE OF CONDUCT For Parents and Caregivers who are wishing to create a positive family environment for their children. There is no more important job in any society than raising children, and there is no more important influence on how children develop than their parents.

Lead by example. Practice self-discipline, self-control and an inner sense of personal responsibility. Commit to personal development- make sure your parenting keeps pace with your child’s development.
Love your child. In regard to genuine expressions of affection and warmth, you cannot love your child too much. Sometimes we confuse the consequences of giving a child things in place of love- like material possession, leniency, or lowered expectations, as spoiling them.
Practice respectful partenerships. Honest and open communication –promote active listening - talk to your children so they are able to hear and listen to you and feel genuinely understood.
Be involved in your child’s life. High responsiveness, being an involved parent takes time and is hard work, be there mentally as well as physically.
Encourage your child's independence and individuality. Setting limits helps your child develop a sense of self-control. Encouraging independence helps them develop a sense of self-direction and worth.
Avoid harsh discipline. Work to resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that no one loses and problems stay solved-including conflicts between adults- encouragement of verbal give-and-take, recognizing the rights of both parents and children. Have everyone participate in setting the rules so that everyone will feel motivated to comply with the rules. Be consistent. This results in less resentment, less tension, fewer power struggles, -more peace, more fun, more love.
Remember-Your relationship with your child is the foundation for his/her relationships with others.

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